~my song~


surprisingly day=.=

whn they told me u wan go to operation,
i thought they jz kidding v me,
so tat i also did not gv them any response...
until you told me tat,
i very shock and very worry about you,
i dunno why,
can i said tat:mayb bcos he is my fren,
so whn fren is happened sumthing,
who also will worry him/her...
actually this is normal things la hor...

whn u finished ur operation,
u call me bck,
still can hear the same voice,
so that mean the operation so successful,
so happy about that,
n oso no nid to worry the operation liao...=)

day before you want to pick up the report,
you sent me a msg(thx),
for me this is very strange,
i think many time why you suddenly sent tat for me,
finally also don't hv the answer@@
the next msg let me so surprisingly,
why you sent tat for me...
izit you so bored,asking me tat ques????

so far i don't think that will happen,
cos you ady like someone else,
so wont happen,
dun think too much...

today you go to take ur report,
as a fren,i hope nothing will happen la...
wait ur gud news^^

